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The PURPOSE of the CP Touchdown Club is to provide volunteer staffing
and fund raising for the benefit of the CPHS Football Program.

Our GOAL is to help provide our high school athletes:

  • an environment that allows the players to excel on and off the field
  • the safest and best football equipment in the state of Minnesota
  • the best high school football experience in the state of Minnesota

Operating Principles

  • We are transparent in our communication and behavior
  • We are open and inclusive to all ideas and members
  • We look for opportunities for our football program to support our community
  • We place the program above our own personal interests
  • We are authentic, respectful, and assume good intentions with one another


Head Coach: Is ultimately in charge of all things for the CPHS Football Program. He has veto power of all CP Touchdown Club decisions.

Board of Directors: President, Vice President, Treasurer, and  Secretary. Overall responsible for management and direction of the Touchdown Club.

Class Representatives: 5-8 positions per class. These representatives will be elected by members of their class only.
Their function is to represent their class through voting and serve as a conduit of information both to and from their grade level. They will also be asked to head up at least one fundraising activity.

Voting: Each member of the Board of Directors and all Class Representative have 1 vote to ratify activities, fundraisers, spend, and the annual budget. The Head Football Coach reserves a veto on all decisions. Decisions pass with a 2/3 majority on any vote. Votes may be cast via email if a voting member is absent from a meeting. Voting will be conducted to authorize the annual budget, spend exceeding $1000 outside of the budget, board of director positions, and fundraising event selection.

Touchdown Club Members: Members of the Touchdown Club (TD Club) will receive all the benefits associated with a touchdown club membership and have a right to expect to be informed of all decisions and activities of the club. We value the ideas of all members and owe a response to any idea generated by a TD Club Member.